This farming property is located near Merrygoen in Central NSW, an area largely unrepresented in protected habitats. As a mixed farming enterprise, Carrawatha has been in the same family for three generations, with the present family working hard to restore the property.
AEFI has been working with the property owner to prevent the invasion of weeds and introduced predators into the Grassy White Box Woodland environment - an Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). Ukebung Creek runs through the property and is part of the head waters to the Macquarie Marshes, a RAMSAR identified wetland of international importance. Low stocking rates have been maintained and access to the waterways is prevented through exclusion fencing. Along with extensive revegetation programs, the Ukebung Creek and surrounding farm land is being restored to prevent soil erosion and habitat loss.
AEFI has successfully received server government grants to continue regenerating this conservation reserve.