Coolah is a block of open eucalypt forest dominated by snow gums, ironbarks and grass trees. It is located in the Warrumbungle Range between Warrumbungle National Park, and sheep grazing territory of the Coolah surrounds. After a history of selective logging that came to an end 40 years ago, the Coolah block is today densely reforested with protective boundary fencing, four dams, established fire breaks and a small solar-powered hut that supports management activities.
90% of the Coolah property is permanently destocked and feral controlled, with an additional 40 ha of successfully rehabilitated forest being devoted to wildlife conservation. Other management at Coolah involves thinning of selected overly-dense regrowth in order to extend fire break protection. As well as recycling of harvested timber for stock-proof fencing of the riparian zone and remnant vegetation at Coolah and nearby Carrawatha.