Indigenous Mentoring Program, Walk, Talk n' Do

AEFI in conjunction with OneMob have just completed a 4 month Indigenous Mentoring Program from 2020-2021 for local youth on Wiradjuri country. The aim of Yanhanha Girinyalanha Yama (Walk, Talk n Do) was to provide a safe space for Aboriginal youth to come together with elders and learn about their culture on a grass-roots level and improve overall well-being.
Indigenous elders Bob Sutor and Ceane Towers worked alongside AEFI in delivering the following activities
Stone tools and weapons
Fire ecology
Bush tucker, food and medicine
Art therapy
Revegetation of local species
How to care for country
Connections and relationships
Aboriginal language
Wildlife conservation
Scats, tracks and habitat
Music - Yidaki (Didgeridoo) and clap sticks
Cultural dancing
Welcome to country
A field trip to wrap up the program was organised at Six Foot Track Eco Lodge, on Gundungurra country. With the day consisting of swimming in waterholes, listening to Bob on Yidaki, having a yarn circle, and eating Barramundi in paperbark as well as Kangaroo stew with bush tucker spices.
Surveys were completed throughout the program with one of the participants referring to the group as a "second family". AEFI and OneMob thank all of the youth who came along to learn about culture, wildlife and country while promoting mental health and well-being.
This program was funded by Wentworth Healthcare, provider of the Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network, as part of the Australian Government's Empowering our Communities initiative.